Where are the vets at?

I added my Christmas stocking from that year, I put some patches and tape on it


Northern Texas? Not specifically, just directional statewise haha @Usmcjojo

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I meant not the panhandle haha, if you meant near OK boarder, that’s even better haha. I’m only about an hour and half from the boarder

USMC from 2000 - 2005
MOS: 6413 - internal aircraft electronics with a focus on radar systems
San Diego for boot camp, trained at Pensacola, FL, main duty station was Camp Pendleton.

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@JTheH, Thanks for your service brother and sorry to hear about your father. If you need anythin or ever need to just get shot off your chest I’m usually always around brother.


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My brother was in the Marines answer stationed at pendleton. He was a grunt not sure what his MOS was. I wanna say he was a recon marine. Appreciate your service brother




@Traumamedic, yeah I believe so haha