When does THC start forming on leaves

From a fellow grower: Hey guys, at what point does THC start forming on leaves…l am into edibles and have bucket of leaves cut from plant that had to be trimmed for more light to buds…about 1 month from harvesting…will leaves have enough THC for edibles?

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Fan Leaves won’t have enough THC. They can be juiced and are supposed to have some anti-inflammatory compounds. For edibles you can use the sugar leaves from trimming.


Agree with above. I do take smaller leafs while Durring deflation at week 3 of flower to keep in my bin of trim but any big fan leafs clearly have no sugar on them so they are simply compost for me.


My son’s aunt-in-law saves and uses everything from the plant and makes soaps and lotions with the leaves. THC will form same on sugar leaves as buds, to answer that part of the question. The unspoken question is this: what other beneficial cannabinoids are there than THC? There is still tons of great things in the plant that can be as beneficial as THC, just not psychoactive. His aunt seems to have tapped into that. I believe she even uses fan leaves for her potions, concoctions, tinctures, and teas. If I could do 10% of what she does, and I am working toward it, our carbon footprint would be greatly reduced.

As of now, I compost what we don’t consume. Cannabis Cheri says she puts fresh fan leaves in her salads.

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