When do plants stretch

It looks like the stock is already pretty fat was it hard to bend over that much

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They seem to be doing ok. I was very gentle, I was scared of snapping her. It took a while to bend her, but all good. This is going to be interesting…

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Holy s**t. 10 hours later! I’ve tucked fan leaves! Amazing growth!

That’s nice I definitely see the difference .thats why this forum is awesome info u can get from other growers and no one person really grows like the other you take Certain bits and pieces of other things that other people use and come up with your own method. If any of the tips that I give you help you out that is awesome glad I can help and hopefully help more

Also just my opinion but that one leaf u tuck it won’t hurt to get rid of it’s just one to big anyway If you pick it the other ones will will thank you

But damn there is a significant difference

Thanks so much! You’ve given me great tips & advice - as have others. I appreciate it very much. I love this forum. MJ is a beautiful plant.


The bottom fan leaf on the left?

You have two super large ones at the bottom but only remove one at a time one one day other in a few But only if she’s at least three weeks old Then just maintain those really super large fan leaves About every three weeks at least this is what I do you will find your method to which works best for you

I’ll take one off at a time. Thanks buddy.

How’s she looking here’s my girl


How’s your girl looking jorad

Your girl looks healthy & happy. Mine looks similar! What’s the stain of your girl? Mine is filling out and I see her stretching now for sure. First pic is 2 days ago and second is right now. Growth hasn’t been as dramatic as that first day but more & more pistils starting to pop. I removed bottom left fan leaf & have tied her down again. Almost even now! The angle of this pic is misleading somewhat…

She’s filling nice. I have an assortment I have one never got any taller than maybe two feet no matter what I did I don’t think she even reached that It was a seed that I took a chance on poisonous spider is the strain but the bud structure is just amazing and smells fire Let me see if I can upload a picture

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That’s gonna yeild a lot of fire she so big


Wow, wow and wow. Gorgeous!

I know right courtesy of Ashleyroachclip

GreenSnek has really beautiful plants also