When do i defoliate

Girls are very bushy 3 days into flower should i cut leaves for light penetration or nah.


I would tuck more than defole right now, but you could take a few without any huge negative affects, but I strip them at day 21 of flower and day 42 of flower.


Cut :scissors: one off each stalk that’s blocking light to other budding flowers sites, but the schwazzy rule is day 1 of flower of the light flip and day 21 after the transitional two weeks from veg to flower .

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Rule of thumb. NEVER take more then 30% of the plants total foliage in one grooming.
Tip. Only defoliate on days that you feed, it is helpful for the plants to have ready access to nutes and water to “recover” from the “trauma” of defoliation. Good looken plants

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Thanks guys all love

Good straight forward tutorial from grow weed easy