What is wrong with my baby :(

40/60 milk mixture just do not spray buds your plants leaves are always highly moist which is why mildew is able to thrive in low humidity it is typically caused by high humidity but it’s spores travel very well in low humidity (spreads easy) cutting off the leaves was probly the proper action to take. If you caught it early enough it would reduce odds of it being spread probably easier to wipe leaves with milk mixture than spray more control.

Alright thanks does it matter what kind of milk il make sure to do it in the morning

Did you read the link I posted?

Yeah that’s where I got to use a teaspoon of baking soda and quart of water to clean the mildew off it helped ALOT

Thanks il make sure to do everything possible

My experience with mildew is as a roofer I deal with it quite often and as you stated very hard shit to get rid of also highly mobile in dry conditions we literally spray it with moisture while removing for that reason. I had powdery mildew on a few of my clones several months back I kept humidity high reduced odds of spread and treated plants with apple cider vinegar and distilled water cleaned everything with h2o2 had it cleared up in a week or 2 with close to 40 plants at that time it could’ve been a nightmare. early detection and environmental control was key it only effected 4 plants and was not given conditions to spread. The vinegar mix is not good for flower as can burn leaves which during flower don’t grow back as fast

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h2o2 works quite well but is somewhat hard on plants much like ACV mind you the mildew causes more damage than either so hard to say whether treatment causes damage or damage already was there from mildew :wink: The thing with ACV is it removes many of the plants natural waxes this does clean leaves but also makes them more susceptible to drying I only used about 10 ml a litre with both h2o2 and ACV

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most recipes require you use 3% that means diluting the food grade or using a tenth the amount in hydro you can have very large res which makes use of higher concentrations simpler I premix my h202 at 10:1 so I can utilize standard recipes. But drug store 3% is 1 stop shop so depends greatly on how much you plan to use :slight_smile:

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So should I raise the humidity

40-50% would be far more ideal than 25 for your ladies they would have less taco shell going on

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Thanks il make sure to do that