What is this and is it dangerous?

Do I need CODS? Over the non chips??? So many stories out there about lights that it’s really confusing on what’s best.
My tent is 5x5x8

Thank you

U have a heat problem. So if I were u I would go led. The average rule is 40 w per sq foot. Real watts not what the light says in its name. Look deeper into the specs and find the actual power.

Good luck

Snap me a pic of your exhaust setup if you don’t mind please. I feel like we may be confusing circulation fans and exhaust fans?

86 is getting better. I probably had the best luck under leds between 78-83.

If you’re asking about chip on board leds, some of them are really good. Would probably produce about twice as much par per watt as those bestva leds. If you’re interested in them you could check out the 5x5 options from timber grow lights. Or do something like 3 260w quantum board kits from horticulture lighting group.

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Now you’re in the right hands

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So my plants are dying. I’ve done everything I know. Ph is ok. Ventilation is great. I’ve had lots caps that know their back pants say they don’t know either. Started off amazing. ( see photos). Now they are dying.
I’m tempted to just start over. Depressing for my girls. Loved these plants.

I’ve had locals that grow great plants say they don’t know. It’s progressive and getting worse. I don’t think I can turn it around. It’s to far gone. Ideas? I’m new but trying very hard.

We can’t let your plants die. They don’t look that bad. What exactly is the problem? Have you filled out a support ticket yet?

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COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
If you can, upload a picture of your plant. It helps the diagnosis, if needed.
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you :slight_smile:


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Strain: Golden leaf and white widow

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? Plastic pots, bat guano soil

System type? Grow tent, 5x8

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor outdoor in tent

Light system, size? BESTVA LEDs, 2000 watts hung at top of grow tent, 2 lights

Temps; Day, Night day: 90 we have exhaust fans (ac infinity) and open the sides of the tent in early morning night: 70

Humidity; Day, Night day: 70% night: ???

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size exhaust fans 2

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, n/a

Co2; Yes, No no

Growth was looking great when they started, healthy and green and beautiful. Now at 10 weeks they started to look yellowing and wilting.

If you can, upload a picture of your plant. It helps the diagnosis, if needed.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you :slight_smile:

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What is your growing medium? Soil, peat, or what?

No ph data in or out?

No tds data? Or what nutrients and how much of each?

Also, where or how does air get into tent when it’s closed up?
That’s just the basic stuff we need to help.

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Ph 6.0
Tap water: i have noticed that spots are on my truck when I wash it. Hard water??

Air enters from bottom left hole and vents out roof thru roof. My ph is 6.5 by meter. Beautiful plants up till 8 weeks old. I spent $200.00 just on seeds.
Been using different fertilizers , why? Because everyone has a different opinion . I only feed once weekly.
I started growing legally due to chronic pain that can’t be helped. Narcotics don’t work. It’s intense. I can’t afford to buy constantly.
I do appreciate each of you that is trying to help. I spent so much on a tent and lights. I did not know what I was doing and obviously still don’t.

Thank you again Todd

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Also, these lights were from Amazon and can be returned. Can you recommend a light? For a 5x5x8 tent??

Could be a lot of stuff going on. Is your water treated with Chlorine or chloramine? Most will use some sort of removal process before using for plants.

Ph 6.0 is a little low for soil grows. Yellowing of leaves is usually a sign of nitrogen deficiency, but could also be that ph is out of range for plant to uptake. Unfortunately without any consistency on the feeding end, a little difficult to judge what isn’t enough or too much.

If you have ph pen and tds meter, water to runoff on next watering and check. Generally your ph should be around 6.5 for a soil grow. A high ppm reading would suggest your plants aren’t feeding, and a low one would suggest the plant is but food isn’t available.

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Hi there,

I just saw this due to yourt post being flagged. Thanks for cooperating with the members.

I do not have time to address your issues tonight. I will try and get in here to look over your grow tomorrow if possible.

Already, I can say; Too many plants in that tent…I think. More manana, lw

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Can you advise a better lighting system for a 5x5x8 tent? I have two BESTVA 2000 LED. Heat in HawIi is an issue.
What’s my best lighting options?

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Fan looks good.

The quantum boards from hlg are the hot ticket right now. Some of the higher end cobs are really good too. That’s pretty much where it’s at for led tech. Both can get a little pricey for a 5x5, check out what places like timber grow lights have to offer, and different configurations of 6 quantum boards from horticulture lighting group.