What fertilizer to use?

Okay I appreciate it. What type of fertilizer do you use

Not as astrong as when I first put them in the rack, however, if you squeeze a bud just a bit, it leaves a glorious smell in your fingers.

The WW Photos they are taller now

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I use the Fox Farms trio. Jack’s is also a popular option.


I can’t wait to experience that this fall. I had been living where I couldn’t grow for the last 4 years. It truly was killing me not to be able to grow. I really do enjoy it and now I moved back to the country. Where I can have as many as I want and on top of that. We have this awesome forum!!

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About how tall was the WW AUTO’s

They were probably 3- 31/2 feet tall, but lots of buds



Is this what you was talking about? If so I’ll get some

I use the same

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I’ve been reading around and LST looks like a way to go with auto’s . What do you think about LST

Yes, this is the trio I was speaking of.

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Okay thanks

I have never used the fox farms fertilizer. I am using their happy frog and ocean forest soil this year for the first time. How much do you start out putting on a plant

Haven’t done any with mine. Only topping and filming the photos

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None. I am in 50/50 with both. Never fed the Autos and the Photos a little late after 11 weeks

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In Fox Farm soil you should be fine for about 5 weeks then use a 1/4 of what they say and see how the plants look. If they look ok then increase to half teaspoon. let the plants tell you what they need. And welcome to the forum alot of great people on here to help you.

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Thank you!! I’m excited about having a place to talk to my type of people about the stuff we all love. Everyone on here seems like they don’t care to help and I really do appreciate it.

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