What do i have going on hereany help would be appreciated

Hard to tell, is that red, rusty, or more brown…
If browning spots, specking, and fading, I say she used up all the calcium and magnesium she had.
Because I got the same often, halfway through flowering, now with more feeding I get it less. My plant I gave extra calcium and magnesium I got it less again.
I did a flush once and didn’t re-feed, near the end, and got leaves like that all over.


That was my thought aswell :flushed: i appreciate the feedback. Always like to just dbl check me brain


Do u have a pic of the whole plant?

An odd experience to relate… I started making homemade plant food, it contains crushed up calcium - magnesium supplements (for people) I just converted the mg to ppm/water to get suitable strength. The homemade food plant has less flecking and yellowing than the GH nutes plant!

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Just whats popping through the canopy. This is a clone i really didn’t have room for so it has the one bud mainly. Its a photo blueberry ilgm


Ive used tums and epsom salt on my first grow waiting for cal/mag order. turned my soil all sorts of colors


That’s comical but sorry about your soil. Thanks, it’s good to know these things.
Tums = calcium carbonate, very alkalizing, weakens stomach acid.
‘Vitamin’ pills I used are calcium citrate and magnesium citrate, among others.

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at this point, I wouldn’t worry too much. Cal Mag is probably the issue, but always alwys check the PH, I’ve noticed that going low with PH during bloom is very beneficial for the buds.