What do I do with this weed?!

So yesterday I went to my local dispensary to get some bud, only to find out they can’t sell recreational until their new permit is approved (some new laws went into affect for 2017) so they referred me to the other dispensary in town. I went there and found out they can’t let anyone actually look at the bud before they buy now!!! It’s all pre packaged lol but anyway I got half ounce of super silver OG at 26.4% THC. .01 CBD for 5$ a gram good deal right?
It’s good bud super Stoney but it’s got almost no smell and is super fluffy. It’s got cristals and it’s defiantly 26% but it’s just taste so bad.
It’s lab tested. No mites.
Just wondering what could have done this?
Bad drying? Bad growing?
I don’t mind smoking the bud but I will probably make edibles with it lol

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Make eddibles with it​:wink::innocent: grow your own if I may say :wink::innocent: :sunglasses:

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I’m working on my first grow now lol but I really don’t want to end up with bud like this if I can avoid it.

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Just follow the instructions acquire by experience grower’s in this site and you should be OK :wink::innocent:

Anytime you can’t touch , taste , smell or look at something , I would be hesitant on the purchase in the first place… Besides laws shmaass , there should be some way for you to be able to sample at least a sniff of something you’re going to throw down that kind of money for …
That just don’t make sense to me…


We should always test drive before we buy🤔

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It sucks but that’s how it is in most recreational places. Washington and Colorado. Up until now you use to be able to smell and touch and what ever you wanted. But now you go in and they have cards with the strains and what not on them

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Sounds like a bad cure or no cure just dry and fly.


Like @Oldstoner said, I bet it’s lack of curing (faster = more money) or it’s really Labrador strain, which would explain why it tastes like dog sh*t.


More than likely due to bad drying bad curing etc


WHat a shame. It could have been some really killer bud.
Well it’s gonna make some killer edibles lol

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Wow ,what a Scam, they could have at least labled it “Labrador” as @Matthew420 said, and at $5 a gram its almost a given somethings wrong. There is a bunch of variables that go into loose airy buds , Heat, Humidity will keep em fluffy, genetic strain (Some Sativas) nutrients , ie… Nitrogen , Phosphorus, too much tool little can get em loose and airy, and top it off with what @Majiktoker and @Oldstoner said , bad drying and curing will Kill any taste,
If I was growing 25% THC and I screwed it up I would probably Give it away, I"ve given away better and kept my reputation intact. Glad you"re growin your own now, any questions please ask us !!


Trust me… a lot of these big Pharma dispensaries are just shoving stuff out as fast as they can , regardless of what’s going into it , no care or understanding for the patients at all…


this is why i’m growing my own,who knows what others do to the bud before you get it. I will take my chances and produce my own for as long as possible.


Well I ended up pressing it for rosin and actually got some sweet flavorful rosin!


somethig good out of bad situation @Thundernuts

Hey brother, what law are you talking about out? Can you not bu it like you used to? I used to be able to just walk in look at the bud, smell it. Is it not that way anymore?