Wet vs. Dry Weight

What is the weight difference between a wet harvest and final dried weight? Asked another way, what is the reduction in weight after drying? 50%? 75%?

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75% = 3/4 wet
50% = 50% wet
Good cure = 33- 40% wet

Meaning the final, dried weight is 33 to 40% of the wet weight at harvest?

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Yes that is correct

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sounds about right to me also…

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That depends, I would think, quite substantially depending on if you watered before harvest or not. Plants can take up water pretty darn fast. Let her starve for water a coupke days before harvest and she will be quite a lot lighter.


Generally speaking I lose 75-80% wet to dry
100 grams wet will come out 20 to 25 grams…
This is without tons huge stems…


Mine have been pretty religious at around 20% of wet weight. Essentially losing 80% of her weight after drying is complete.


Absolutely. These girls are each drinking a gallon of water a day now, though they are in the stretch (16 days since flip.)


Yeah and at roughly 10 pounds a gallon… obviously not in the plant all at once but…

I just looked at your profile. I’ve got a couple varieties of bell peppers and basil, cilantro, and dill going as well. I’m north too. It was 3F here last night, and it’s nice to go in the tent and smell fresh basil (and cannabis) in the middle of Winter.


I usually have basil and cilantro going too. Why waste light right?


Yeah, I have lettuce, cherry tomatoes, 2 early girls, a half dozen lemon jalapeno plants, 4 Johaar and 3 Balkhi stuffed in there right now. Lettuce is a fast producer and we use a lot of it. The nice part about lettuce is you can continuously harvest off it. Marijuana is fun to grow but has no nutritional value sadly. The seed does but i dont grow weed for seed food lol.

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@bob31 did this thread years ago which sorta fell by the wayside. We were all putting up our data:

I think in general it averages out to around 20% of the fresh plant material. So; 5 pounds of canopy equals 1 pound of flower, roughly.


I agree with 20% of hanging weight. Although it really depends on how you’re taking wet weights. The 20% ish is from trimmed hanging on stem. If you take a wet weight from destemmed buds, dry weight will be significantly higher than 20%


Dry 3 out of 5 plants … 2.101 lb. Still have 2 plants to cure…not dry yet…
Woooooohoooo… pink gorilla smells like froot loops


Drying is essential to make your marijuana have a good flavor and a strong effect.

This is the general rule about drying weed: 1 whole Sativa plant gives about 11 percent of dry weed, whereas 1 whole Indica plant gives about 13 percent of dry weed.

Read everything about how to dry weed here.