Wanting to try a Organic grow, Any advice on organic nuts?

Yep 1:1 is 4 gal tea to 4 gal RO or whatever amount you brew but again that’s using boogie brew product…look it up it’s a great mix.
Yep many use bags and even boogie brew sends a burlap bag with order and I used to use it but found it was easier at cleanup time to not have to clean that too. Yep if using foliar feed…veg only for me …not in flower… and when foliar I will strain it first…watering can I don’t strain cause it doesn’t clog it.
Be careful with foliar and do so with lights turned down as the ppm particles can affect the leaves if light full blast. I really don’t foliar much anymore unless say I have a magnesium deficiency and will use about 3-4 ml Epsom salt per quart and foliar spray as it acts quicker than adding to water and watering it in or top dressing it and watering later etc.
Again a ton off info on boogie brew site as well as many other organic products…check them out.
Also I use down to earth dry nutrients line check out their site…much good info and been around since 1977 and respects the earth (DTE) products to build my soil before using as well as supplement during grow and re amend old soil…either dump and amend or what I do now is no till so leave soil in pots and amend it with their stuff for next grow.
Here is a link to my journal

and you may get some info from there as well as others that post on this forum. Link is my last post. The video shown is well worth the time to watch it…scroll back up my journal some good stuff about Organics etc.

Look here too

And here


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