Trying autos 5 gg (the plan)

Seeds germinating and will be put in a small (solo cup size) grow bag filled with Mykos amended Mother Earth Coco plus Perlite w/dome under my HLG 650 r at under 100 ppfd, 24 hrs a day until first true leaves appear. They then will be set into 5 gal. Cloth pot consisting of about 50% Coast of Maine Platinum soil on the bottom with about 50% Mother Earth Coco on top. I planned on creating a blended mix zone between the two with more Mykos and a bit of DE as well.
At this point (guessing 10 to 14 days), I was planning on raising the ppfd to (400-550??) on a 18/6 schedule @dbrn32 here’s where I feel I read too much so if you could guide me a bit. I’ve read you can go to about 617 ppfd to maximize yield and quality during veg. I have a par meter so I’d like to get close (but not too close) to max. HLG’s reference chart for light intensity has given me pause in that they differ (somewhat) from what I’ve read. So for autos, my question is, what am I planning wrong so far and what would be the optimal PAR readings for this grow? Again, I read too much!
5x5x70 planning on no added nutrients, minimal to no runoff. Seeds are on the paper towels and they all look like they’ll be ready in a day or so. Any help and or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks folks!
@MrPeat @Nicky

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Anytime you read about a specific “ppfd” should be referring to ppfd average. It’s not reasonable to plot your ppfd average for every adjustment, so I wouldn’t bother trying to be that proper with your adjustments. When you start seeds keep light intensity relatively low at beginning and then adjust according to how plants react. You can hit recommended dli in 5x5 at full power on 12 hour schedule. So when veg schedule is 18 hours same dli is attained at 66% power. There is slight increase in efficiency, so maybe a little less. At the end of the day if you’re in the 50-70% power range vegging mature plants should be good.

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