To mulch or not to mulch that is the question!

Gotcha @ThcinKC

I know there are videos out there that do go into what you are asking.
You can put greens and browns in a bucket of water and stir it several times throughout the day or use an air stone and pump to keep it aerated to minimize any anaerobic process.
I’ve tried this before and forget to stir and it turns anaerobic and stinks and I end up dumping it out. The bubbler makes it easier.
You can use simple ingredients to make teas.
Worm poo, molasses, kelp etc etc to brew teas. Much info at the link I provided above.
As far as what plants in ones yard provides what in the tea I don’t have a handle on that. I do know for example cutting up banana peels and soaking them in water for several days will give you a good bit of potassium in the solution that can the be used to feed the soil. Many ways to repurpose things for growing.
Get a worm bin to recycle your food scraps and then you can have free worm poo to use for soil building and feeding by top dressing and as a ingredient for teas.

I am currently attempting to grow a plant from seed to flower using worm poo as my main ingredient mixed with perlite and Diatomaceous Earth and see if she can finish with just watering and not adding any nutrients.

Much to read
Much to learn
I’m still figuring this stuff out by reading all I can from many sources and then if something grabs my attention and makes sense to me I’ll verify things by searching and researching more to confirm from multiple sources and then move forward if it is.

Don’t take my info as gospel as I’m not all that but am willing to share what I believe to be one way to do it and there are many ways to the same end.

Hope this helps and HAGD

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