To All Us Vets! And the families!

12/21/82 ---- 02/29/06 Army.

He who has been in battle should be the loudest against it… Didn’t do it 4 apple pie, Chevrolet, Mom or the USA. No thanks is needed… If not me??? Then Who??


The running and gunning people need Overwatch… Ammunition is just paperwork… Everyone can provide support… Sum it up.
Cant kick no A$$ with no Gas…


The Art of War…

Chia Lin enumerates several ways of inflicting this injury, some of which would only occur to the Oriental mind:—“Entice away the enemy’s best and wisest men, so that he may be left without counselors. Introduce traitors into his country, that the government policy may be rendered futile. Foment intrigue and deceit, and thus sow dissension between the ruler and his ministers. By means of every artful contrivance, cause deterioration amongst his men and waste of his treasure. Corrupt his morals by insidious gifts leading him into excess. Disturb and unsettle his mind by presenting him with lovely women.” Chang Yu (after Wang Hsi) makes a different interpretation of Sun Tzu here: “Get the enemy into a position where he must suffer injury, and he will submit of his own accord.”

History repeats itself once again.


four horseman of the apocalypse is appropriate too, just saying…from the bible side

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Sure that works. I’ll give you a even newer version. The book banned by a certain communist party.
The Animal Farm… The pigs are in charge. Maybe even more relevant…
Paul Harvey. Maybe??

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To all our vets, I’m sorry I just came across this thread, THANK YOU all for what you all have done for us an this country, I can’t thank you enough, you had the courage to do what I did not.


Kinda Deep…

Getting Deeper.