This Plant looks like a Male

Can anyone tell me if this plant is Male or Female ?
I didn’t buy the seed a buddy gave it to me.

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100% male


Yup that is a male. Need a better picture but it also looks like the male flowers are open.


“There’s love in the air”


That male plant was dug and dumped hopefully
No damage was done to the plant nearby

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Dude… :peanuts::hocho:

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Sorry, Tom.
I just cut down 3 huge males.
Hope the 2 other females make it.

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Dang that’s a big pretty male plant. If you have any more plants close by I would get rid of it quick.

I’m screwed. Had to get rid of the tall one on the left and the two on the right. Pretty close. Darn it!

On the bright side those tomatoes are coming along nicely


Rest In Peace

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