This plant is doing the weirdest thing, help!

Hi I have been growing this plant since mid March and put it outside about three weeks ago. It had a magnesium deficiency and I gave it some Epsom salt and the new grow seems to be coming in ok. I am not sure of the strand I got the seeds from a past grow so it us either Crystal, super silver haze or gold leaf.

IMG_0150 IMG_0151 IMG_0152 IMG_0153 IMG_0155 IMG_0158 IMG_0157

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Looks like it re vegged. Bring it was probably started outside a little early and started to flower. You’ll be ok and may end up with more bud.


I have a crystal plant that the center of the plant has 3 leaf leaves. The lower outer branches are all 5 leaf

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Looking at a couple of the pictures the leaves with the smooth edges my thoughts lean towards reveg. Plant looks healthy good luck.

reveg for me