The psychological issues caused by growing (can't take this)

Haha! Just “overstating” my anxiety @Paranorman! It’s all good. Not reached the point of I won’t do this yet. I will say I am sure I will be more relaxed the next time! :relieved:

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Good to hear I hope it works out for you guy, remember you have to take into consideration your risk/reward ratio & all that happy stuff

My worst thing happened maybe mid-to-late 1980s I came home real late from some club or another and the top half of the black plastic on my window had fallen down and it was just this weird diagonal light glowing away ! …it’s brighter than the street light outside and it’s coming out of my otherwise completely dark house OMG! Right ! I got the sickest feeling I still remember to this day, I wondered how long it had been like that I hoped it hadn’t been all night, so I know just what you mean by " I cant breathe " … sobered me up damn quick too!


I to sometimes get a little anxiety over this . It’s my first and the reason I am getting back into this is a broken back in 99 and then a fall from the roof and three herniated discs in 2013 . The Oxy and xanax are worse on my body then the 40 years of Jack Daniels I have enjoyed . I guess I just got Lucky, behind my house is several acres of wood my wife and 22 year old daughter while they don’t smoke are okay with me growing for myself as they see the difference in me from the legal meds . I am using my basement the only window is under my deck and between two sheds . My neighborhood is 20 miles from the nearest nearest town and we all keep to ourselves . So when I get wound up I just pop a xanni and in 10 I’m fine


@oldster, I was given alprazolam and various forms of opiate derivatives for 10 years for a brutal digestive issue. As I got older I could not tolerate that regime any longer. The withdrawal from the alprazolam was nearly intolerable. It is a mind wrecker. Permanent damage. I turned to Cannabis. Like you, life for me is easier with it. No need for any Opiates or tranquilizers to sedate the digestive system. Other natural ways now work better. All is better with the Cannabis.


I hear stories like you guys all the time, and it’s truly a testament to the medicinal qualities of marijuana. I wish more people could hear from people like you and see the true benefits it has, but they’re blind to it and don’t care until that day, God forbid, when they’ll need it for a son or daughter, then it’s a miracle drug, right?. Weed is so terrible yet we prescribe drugs that actually kill people? It makes no sense, and I just don’t understand how the world has been so ignorant for so long. It just sucks we still have to worry about growing it, even though it’s helping you and others. @bmorgil and @Oldstoner you guys are awesome! :v: