The Cult of the Waving Girls

Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with your plants. Mine do it all the time. I just call it light worshiping.
Just like a bunch of girls laying at the pool tanning!
They’re just happy plants.


I gotta think that’s what it is because there’s no Taco or canoeing (it’s not hot) I’ve scorched em’ before and this isn’t that, and it’s not even the plants under the light all the time …it’s pretty weird at first

The plants will position themselves to best use what light is available to them.
As a general consensus, the plants are telling you basically that you could put them a little closer.
When I see mine doing this light reaching, I’ll generally lower my light just a little bit more.

Just put your hand between the light and the plants for 10 or 20 seconds. If it’s too warm for the back of your hand, it’s too warm for the plants.

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I actually raised it just before this started…!

I usually have the light about 4" above the tops, I raised it up to maybe 14" to try to throw to the back & sides a little better just when this started

I’ll lower it some, I still only have it on 600 watts I can always turn it up if I need to, great info thanks for the help! :thumbsup:

I told you paranorman its “EXPLOSIVE GROWTH”


Actually it appears they’re kind of cold and are reaching for the light …so maybe it would be explosive reaching?

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its definitely explosive, no matter what!

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:bomb: :evergreen_tree: :raised_hands:

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#Mystery of the cult of the waving girl solved?

After thousands of years and hundreds of minutes The Mystery of the cult of the waving girls may have been solved, could the plants be cold and reaching for the light ?

…it sure appears that way because I lowered the lights and nobody’s reaching, well a couple in the corners but I’m going to turn it up to a thousand watts tonight and that may eliminate the cult of the waving girls ?

Thanks again for input! :thumbsup:

the mystery continues…!

The mystery continues, a thousand watts, 72 degrees 50% humidity and the girls still wave?

I already told you guys its an indicator if a perfect grow environment lol my opinion your a little over concerned (thatvis if your concerned about them)

I am not concerned I’m just having some fun as I continue to explore this interesting phenomenon

Today’s experiment was turning the light from 600 to 1000w to see if it had an effect (it did not)

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It is called “EXPLOSIVE GROWTH” just about everytime i feed my girls now they stand right up and begin their waving. the next day you can really tell the growth that took place