THC levels, what's high?

I see THC content listed in multiple of strains listed here and basically everywhere. What is considered strong vs weak. I grew some rated at 16 to 20% (I know it a guide not an absolute) but very melow buzz, not at all what I need, IE tolerance. Where does “strong” start???

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Anything over 20% THC is considered strong the strongest I’ve ever seen was 28% so if your 20% you’re good but it’s not just THC it’s CBD content as well


Mid to high 20’s is the highest I have seen, but…

Im starting to think its not all about the THC levels. I believe there is an entourage effect between the THC and other chemicals.


No if this stuff is as high as 20% it is not good!!! Barely consider it a good Buzz never mind strong.

The rating is also based on other factors. Each pheno of a stain can have different THC. That 16-20 is an average, but a single individual of a strain could be less.

Well then it Hass to be the way it was grown just because your genetics say 20% if you mess up the grow if the plant hasn’t had enough stress it produces less In other words you have to know what you doing Take what you smoke into a dispensary and they should have a gun that can test it

Try Gorilla glue #4 kick ass weed and depending upon harvest time the longer you wait the more killer it gets!

Thinking it must be the lower rating 16% or so as the stuff I buy only takes 1 hit then blast off. I can smoke a whole bowl of this and be buzzed but lightly so. Gonna go up to as high a # as I can and see. Don’t think it was the grow, everything went great. Looked, smelled great.


“You want a whole lot of lumps”.


Oh three or four!


Did you mess up the care

I watched a show once that stated the pot today is 10 times stronger than what we smoked in the 60/70, hmmmmm doesn’t seem like I get 10 times higher. Mind you I don’t smoke a whole joint in one sitting like I used to do but I guess it 's a case of memory. I sure remember getting awfully f ed up on a joint shared with 1,2 or even 3 people

Honestly it wasn’t cured properly it looks beautiful brother how long did you let it cure for

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That’s some dank looking weed, best grower ever!

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Lol wut


Stoned again!#$%!

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I think he was joking about my post puma pete

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Give that man a cigar! Yes the “lumps” reference was to pismo. That was one of his funnier lines! I’m old, I remember things! Not always what I want to remember but I do remember.


same here I grew up watching bugs bunny when TV was like being stoned!

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You tell me. They smell great, taste good (getting much better with time) huge buds,dense,stacked,sticky,frosty and a bunch of other adjatives . Just I just thought it would be “knock my d… in the dirt” good. I do have a tolerance but it just seemed it should be better. So it’s obviously the strain I got was not a strong as I thought it would be. I really think the grow was successful, just need a stronger strain.

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