Temps for drying and curing



If youā€™re making budder, extracts, etc, curing isnā€™t necessary, but you still want dry plant matter, unless youā€™re doing a live resin extract where you want fresh cut plant material.

So give it 5-7 days after harvesting before you try to use the plant for anything.


Sorry, I misunderstood his intent. But thank you for following up anyway.

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quick question can i take my plants outside to dry? i have a lil wood storage that we made and the temperature in there is 72f and 51rh ? would that be able to work fine ? or would the plant get ruined

@408stoner @blackthumbbetty @Bulldognuts @KeystoneCops ā€¦
I canā€™t believe how some NEW growers, are SO impatient when it comes to the end of a grow. They veg for 4 - 6 weeks. flower for another 8 - 10 weeks, thenā€¦ chop it and want to smoke it in only 1 week of curing time. @408stoner , If smoking or using weed that is NOT dried & cured properly, tasteā€™s and smells like wet grass/hay is what you look for after the whole grow process ends, then go ahead with what you have planned.

i donā€™t really check my rh anymore lol just a waste i use dehumidifier and fans . Growing outdoors now getting lots of product :ok_hand:t4: