Switching to mh bulb fimal weeks of flower any imput on this? I just read it in an article im tempted to try

I just read an article that says its good to switch back into mh lighting in the dimal weeks of bloom to boost the buds. Any imput on this my growin friends?

Difference in plant response from different wavelengths of light. The emitted light spectrum from hps is said to have better concentration for bud development. Once that process is nearly complete, some switch to mh that has higher concentration in shorter wavelengths to help develop more frost.

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What do ya think im kinda afraid to try it i have some nice blu god going

And what about shock? The article states it throws the process into overdrive

People have been doing it for a long time, I don’t remember seeing any instances of it causing problems. Assuming light intensity remains the same or lower i wouldn’t expect you see plant shock.

Im under 1000 hps and guess im going to try switching to the 1000 mh.i dnt habe a lower one

That should be fine. Raising light would lower intensity at canopy level too. Not saying you need to, but it’s an option.

They like the hps and im running thru an air cooled hood now and know the glass will block some of the uv already