Switch distilled-ro system?

So I’ve been growing for about 3 months, came along good! Used Distilled water whole way, PH 6.3-6.8, FF ocean forest, Distilled watering get expensive if you add it up every week when I can switch to switch to RO system for my feeding. What do you guys recommend? Or any $100-175 distillers machine
Please and thanks!

By far, the most popular system is the RO Buddie from Aquatic Life. It pays for itself in no time. You only need the 3-stage system, not the 4-stage system.



I’ve been using :point_up: that one for a couple years now, and I love it. One note, 50 gallons per day = a little less than 4 ounces per minute…it’s slow. Not a big deal, just be prepared for that. I keep a bunch of jugs filled in case I need to flush or something.

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I have this one too. One thing about less expensive R/O systems is they are less efficient. If you aren’t worried about the waste water then it’s a great choice. I use mine in the yard and water other plants with the waste line (it’s not THAT high) and I picked up a 30 gallon plastic barrel that I can just fill up and siphon off when needed.

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That’s a good point, too. Mine uses about 3 gallons to get one gallon filtered.