Stunted growth in hot arid climate

I’ve only watered recently in that pic. Been letting it almost dry out then water. I did calibration with 4 n 7 ph n came our perfect. The distilled water was open a while so it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air which lowers the PH.

Also I had in 5 gal fabric pots first month. Just recently transplanted so I could move inside at night for more light n keep from drying out too quick. Outside the top layer of soil in fabric pot would dry out too quick-my guess- n plant would fall over at base of stem to soil.


Sounds good… Transplant sometimes stunts growth! How are they doing?

No growth. I seriously have no idea what is wrong. Soil mix should be ok, fox farm
ocean forest, plus extra peat for moisture and added vermiculite fir oxygen. my tap water is more alkaline but soil is more acidic so that should be fine. Only fertilized once so don’t see how that could be issue. Gave humic acid/kelp once n that’s supposed to make plants resistant to stress. Added worm casting tea with stump tea once. I water n let dry out. It’s not even that hot yet but sun is strong at high elevation n is like 20% humidity. Idk what else to do :frowning:

@Odaharry maybe you come up with a solution… :wink:

I will definitely tell you all if I do.

It has been getting to 40s-50sF at night.I thought anything well above freezing would be ok but I heard recently anything below 53F can stunt growth of plants. Is this true? Or Anyone have any experience with Temps dropping at night that low n still getting good growth???

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That is true and depends a lot on the strain. You could move them in for the night and out for the day?

Yes I have been. Think damage already done though. It’s been 4 days n no change in growth yet