Still in Veg. But can anyone tell me if this is Male or Female?

I’m having a hard time telling whether or not those are pollen sacks that I’m looking at? I have got a definite female here so I know what my girls should look like. I just can’t tell what this youngin is?

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looks to have nutts to me… i would say male! how many weeks in?

Im only 2nd month into growing, so would say anywhere between 3-4 weeks into veg and all photo period. And that’s what I was thinking. But I’m no expert lol so I’m here to just get some reassurance. The faster I get somewhat confirmation, the faster I can get it away from my girls :joy:

i would pull it!

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Definitely male, get away from others before pods start popping open. Sorry man

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Thanks guys much appreciated! I’ll definitely pull :muscle:t4:

Let it grow in a grage or basement and collect the pollen from the sacs and u can make ur own beans. Lol.

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