Spots on fan leaves lower/middle plant help?

Hey guys. Week 4 of veg. 20 gal pots. Build a soil 3.0. Luxx 645 pro leds. Temps 80-83, RH 70. 18/6 lighting. Running lights at 60% power. 500-700 par. Can someone advise on what is starting to happen to the fan leaves? Seem like it’s only the lower middle part of the plant. I use r/o water with 5 ml per gal calmag plus. Watering about one gal per plant once a week in these big pots. Battling fungus gnats too on this run.

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The plant with the issue is ilgm gg#4. Currently growing 3 gg#4 and 3 gsc extreme from ilgm. Thanks for the feedback!


What is that vegetation down below? Do you have fans blowing on the grow?

The veg below is some cover crop that came back after I chopped the cover crop and transplanted. Build a soil 3.0 is pretty loaded/hot so I ran cover crop for a month or so before I transplanted. Currently I’m am experimenting with the build a soil living soil methods and cover crop in something they do in their raised beds. My intent is to re-amend and reuse this soil multiple times. These were planted in these 20 gal containers on 12/15 after about 3 weeks in the dome. Yes I have 2 large fans oscillating, exhaust and fresh air intake as well. I run a house of hydro fogger with fan in a 26 gal reservoir to keep my humidity/Vpd in line. Here is a pic of the plant with the issue about a week ago before the leaves starting showing those spots.

This was before and after transplant.

I have another fan in the opposite corner too.

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Wow, nice set up. Was wondering about airflow down low being a problem, but sounds like you have the covered. I tap out…don’t want to guess and not sure.

Others…please chime in.


Thanks man! This is my 3 attempt. Still learning. First grow was outdoor and that was too much work battling the elements here in CO but the plant size was amazing to see. Second run was in this room with this equipment minus the fogger. I had similar issues. See pics. This plants were from bag seed so who knows but they were stressed from the start as my VDP was way out of line. These spots eventually took out every fan leaf and my yield and quality was absolutely trash. This time started off way better but now I’m paranoid lol.


Nice grow room man! Loved seeing that.

On here to see what others think about the spots.


Me too had brown, blackening spots and never figured it out. 1 of 4 still alive and shriveled up in a seperate room now.
Had brown tips first, then edges of leaves, finally spots. At 27 celcius and 33% rh in soil with too much compost and salty water so I don’t know where to start and hope to see what happens

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It could be magnesium deficiency. :blush::v:

I was thinking some kind of leaf fungus? This plant is in the back corner of my grow room with the least amount of ventilation or airflow. I defoliated this plant a little bit to thin it out/improve air flow as it was very bushy and added a 3rd fan in that back corner. I did a neem oil foliar spray with some cal-mag and a saponin too. I’ll wait to see if I get any other advice but for now I’m just going to let it ride for a week and if things look good we are going to flip.

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Thats a lot of nice buds!! Harvest soon?

I think so. Today is day 62. They look pretty close. Checking on them daily.