Split the main stem right down the middle

I was trying to get some space between the top stems and split the trunk down the middle…repaired with aloe and plumbers tape, and hoping for the best. It was a weird one anyway so this will be an experiment. I’ll post updates!

Drop some honey on it and tape it up. If you don’t have honey just tape it up.


I’ve split nodes like that before. The plant always turns out fine. I use a bit of honey or aloe and tape it up like @oldmarine suggests.


Thanks! Its been flowering for a few weeks now so that’s my main concern.

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It should heal up fine. Will be good as new after a week or 2.

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Now at least i have some space between the branches


She’ll be fine. I used pruning seal when I did it.


I split several branches moving my girls. I put honey on the wounds and used yarn to try and put them back together. They are as healthy as before. Somewhere, maybe here, I read Aloe is also good but since honey and yarn worked the first I am sticking with it.

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