Sour d autos time period of grow

Please provide this info;

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

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@SKORPION @BobbyDigital

Fixer power posted he had to temporarily leave. :unamused:

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I was going to say that about fixer said he had some heat from law. How much calmag have to been using?

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Nitrogen deficiency, and phosphorus deficiency. The support ticket should fill in and verify those gaps.

Some of that is fan leaf dying off. A bit early, but normal.


I’m seeing the same. Are you feeding? At what ppm?


My first thoughts would be what the above have said :v:

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Its sour diesel auto from ILGM
Soil from black gold with perlite
Feeding ever 4 with foraltrio liquid
Watering in between feeding at ph to 6.6 to 6.8
Cloth 3 gallon pots
Day 59
Mars hydro tsl 2000 about 2ft away

I went away for 3 days and these girls dried up they have been drinking more gettinf later in flower came back to 85 heat and 68%

Calmag 4ml per gal
Yeah thanks for help

also added de hum
Always had 4" exhaust with filter
4 fans inside 4x2x7 tent
Co2 bag !
Also lollipopped, LST, topped multiple times, and a crack in the stem


Looking good.

So the yellow leaves I can also remove with no issues like the ones that look like there dying or dead ??


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Can i use a compose tea of worm castings, kelp, alphapha meal to help solve the problem??

You can, but affected leaves will still look the same. Only new growth will change.

So I started to feed more and add more calmag up to 5mlper gal. Also made my tea heres what it looks like

Hi can anyone help me and tell me if this is a nanner

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Trichomes still look clear. Also lots of white pistils. Pistils will turn brown and curl into the bud as it continues to fatten up.

Maybe this will help provide some guidance depending on desired effects:

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I don’t think it’s a nanner. But if you’re unsure, just pull it or cut it off

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I think its hairs that are balled up but the last super skunk hermed on me and only popped out 4 seeds but still. And I know the strain in fast flower time so just wondering

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Question does the flower have a different taste if theres small amounts of cbd ? Like if I went 70/30 or 60/40 on the tri