Some mold, help

What can i do??? It’s ok to wash? First grow

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Freshly harvested you’ll want to do a bud wash :metal:


What’s the inside of the bud look like where you circled :love_you_gesture:

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Ok, and after budwash and drying its safe to smoke?


100% ready and safe :love_you_gesture:


Thks @OGIncognito. I read some article where they say “its harmuful for lungs, bla bla… Because mold spores still remain inside”

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I hope dosent reappears during drying

The bud wash with peroxide should take care of that. Did you break the bud open to see what the inside looked like :love_you_gesture:


Is it worth it? You only get one pair of lungs. It’s not like a piece of cheese where you just cut off the moldy part.


It’s worth it. Be meticulous

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@Underthestairs how to be meticulous with mold?:grin:. I use just water with peroxide for wash? It is neccesary to breake the bud în little pieces? I know nothing… :weary::persevere:

Look like outside, gray/White mold😞. Not to much but is there

If anything looks remotely suspicious I open it up.

Bag it and toss it.


I should add. Once a thorough inspection is done and any mold is removed, a strong bud wash should be done.
I’ve found mold before it is ready to be harvested. I ID and remove any affected buds immediately. I then spray with a 50/50 mix of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water. If will burn the plants a bit but they recover. Turn up the fans and dehumidifier and dry it out ASAP.
It looks like your plant was cut a little sooner than otherwise desired


:point_up_2: this exactly.

Thanks for this pic Growmie! @AleX23 :point_up_2: a great illustration :love_you_gesture:


That video should walk you through the whole process

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Good luck!! Bud rot is all of our nemesis!!

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The best you can do in my opinion and I deal with some mold every year… Is to trim all the mold off and throw it away. If it’s to much you might want to just toss it all. Believe me none of your friends are going to want to smoke moldy weed and neither will you it tastes absolutely horrible and smells like trash. And on top of that it’s probably very bad for your lungs…

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Spots on your lungs is a death sentence. Lungs do not repair themselves.
Again, why risk it?