Solo cup questions for the pros

hello experts. i’m on my second attempt at growing and experiencing much better success than the first due to several nice pieces of advice i’ve already received from this board. thanks to all. here’s my situation.

started 2 jack herer seeds 14 days ago. germinated in two days and i moved them to solo cups. based on previous advice did not overwater (this time, lol) and these guys are growing like gangbusters. now 12 days in the cups each plant is bushy, approximately two and a half inches tall, with multiple (6-7) distinct sets of leaves. so…

i know it is probably early too transplant but i neglected to cut holes in the bottom of the cups so i can’t really tell for sure how complete the root system is. should i cut holes now to see, or is that too dangerous for the plants. secondly is this just too darn early to move to two gallon pots?

i want to move at the right time, but don’t want them to get root bound. these plants really look good and healthy but i don’t want to move too soon or too late.

all advice welcomed. thanks to all.


You definitely need drain holes in the Solo cups. As far as when to transplant…do you have photos?

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these are 14 days old from start.


They should be ok to transplant now. I go straight from sprout to final home.


Poke holes if needed no matter what they are very important…
However, go ahead and put them in the 2gal pots is what I would do. They be ok in the 2gal :grin:

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Yeah cut the holes immediately, doesn’t matter if you cut a root, I cut/trim roots all the time, never been a problem.

Don’t be in a hurry to transplant, I usually let my plants get to decent size before transplanting, more roots will hold the rootball together much better than less roots will.


Big roots dang that’s nice


Most people over worry about being root bound, generally not as big of a problem as some make it out to be, I’ve kept plants in solo cups til harvest.

Now this is root bound and the plant didn’t care or suffer any issues, just thirsty


Whats left of Coco ?

Not coco, was using potting soil there.


Just water every 15 min lmao wow that’s impressive

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Yeah was watering that girl (a Gorilla Glue) 3 or 4 times a day in flowering, just a fun solo cup grow, got a bit over 2 oz from her.


@jdouglas36542 listen to this guy I think everyone here can learn a thing or 2


wow, thanks for all the input. i’ve put holes in the cups, and i’m going to target a transplant in a week or so. @hellraiser pictures show it isn’t too urgent yet, lol. can’t believe you could get so much and never take the plant out of the cup. unbelievable. thanks again to everyone. i’ll post pictures in a month if anyone is interested. best regards, john


Thought i’d share these pictures after transplant this morning. Had nice roots to bottom of solo cup, dusted with White Shark and moved to two gallon pots. Thanks for everyone’s help on this grow.