Soil type (different) Watering regimen

Hello! I am attempting a second grow with two Amnesia Haze. Transplanted on 12-7-20; broke soil ten next day. FFOF soil has me confused; soil texture seems different from the soil used in first grow in texture and water retention. I watered about thirty-six hours ago. Soil remains “damp” but not really wet. Getting ready to water at the typing of this post. Do you have suggestions about waiting until the soil is “good and dry” or immediately. I’m thinking immediately (1L) nutrient enhanced.

^^^^^ This one reminds me a a child with scraggly hair.

^^^^^ More normal look. Both plants look healthy enough. Just the soil looks spongey.

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I pick my pots up man. You can tell when they are dry cuz they will be super light weight. Takes all the guess work out.


Very good response. With the soil being spongey water weight is a good variable to consider. (I’ve got a rib fracture…doc says no!) But I really like your suggestion.


Sometimes i squeeze the sides of the bag to loosen soil a bit to help roots get better oxygen and help dry soil and sometimes have a small fan up against it if i had to flush or something. if its a plastic pot i cut little holes around the pot. Thats just me though and only giving an opinion/own experience. And i always buy perlite and add it to any soil I get. I mix my own soil though. More perlite definitely helps alot.

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Would you add perlite to FFOF?

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Doesnt hurt. I would yes but you dont have to. I usually like over 30 to 35% perlite. Just preferance

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Be carful, FFOF is loaded with nutrients and hot to young plants. I’m on my 8th week in and
still not giving any nutes until they deplete the vitamins in the soil first. If you’re using a mix
of FFOF and something else then use your own judgement. I made that mistake my first
grow and nute burned the hell out of my plants. Let them eat up what’s in the soil for a good
6-10 weeks. And if you stick your finger into the soil up to your second knuckle and it’s just
damp and not wet, wait one more day before watering. At least that’s how I judge my soil
before giving them a drink.


Yea im not insinuating mix that stuff with ffof im mostly going off the first part of the thread about build your own mix. :+1::v:

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I got confused with another thread. Be either way i personally would add more perlite to ffof and its safe adding more worm casting too as they dont burn the plant and help stabilize ph and keep away gnats and lots of micro nutrients. I mix in alot every mix with no issues from it. I had soil issues last grow cause of getting carried away with the bone meal, blood meal etc… lesson learned