So i planted my baby on may 5th when will it be ready to harvest. Please help

A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.

So i planted my baby on may 5th when will it be ready to harvest


Outside grows are long. It will all depend on your climate. Here in texas an outdoor grow wouldnt be ready till november.


I live in Florida

Assuming this is your plant. You need to harvest by how developed or actually the maturity of the trichomes. There are 3 stages of trichome development; Clear, cloudy, and amber. More amber = more sleepy…high % of cloudy = more up high

Invest in a 60-100x pocket microscope to see the trichomes and judge for yourself when the plant is ready. Cost: approx. $10.00

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Get rid of those two light green leaves at the bottom. Throwing of the Fung-Shway