Smell help white widow

I have 4 white widow auto plant very close to harvest 3 of them smell great and one smells totally different almost unpleasant no sign off any mold. This plant is my best plant and has always looked a little different than the others could this just be genetics or do I have a problem on my hands. Thanks for any help


It’s just variations within a particular cultivar. Likely nothing to be worried about.

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Interested in seeing the oddity if you don’t mind posting a pic

Is the smell sour? almost like old fruit

No smells like dirt will add pics


I have 3 Widows going now almost 5 weeks into flower. One smells like pine and lemon and the other 2 smell like fermented fruit.

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That’s it my other three smell like pine and lemon! Exactly could never put my finger on the smell
But the other one smells like old dirt not fermented fruit should I be worried

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I don’t think so . My last round with WW had the same smells . It’s weird I thought I had rot root or bud rot spent hours sniffing around my room lol

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Thank you much you put my mind at ease. Was checking tricomes when I noticed it had my face right in it ha ha thanks again