Smartpots / fabric pots / air flow

Appreciate all of your replies. I understand that SCROG is how most people run, and that 1 plant will fill a 2x2’ space with decent veg time. I know doing SOG instead is bucking the trend of most people on here, but I am also stubborn and have to try and fail for myself before I will give up on the idea.

I currently have two 3gallon smartpots and a one 2 gallon plastic pot in said tent, and they are doing great.

You can check my progress here:

I have thought about this a lot, and want to try a SOG for the following reasons:

  • Smaller plants means less veg time, and I can run up to 36 so am not concerned about having too many
  • Smaller pots means more frequent watering, but less time between feedings to correct nutrient deficiencies or wait for overwatering to fix itself
  • I am only growing for consumption not sale, so im fine with giant colas instead of a bunch of smaller buds
  • Not into all the LST and training required to max out 1 or 2 plants. Would rather keep it simple and grow a bunch of smaller plants.
  • SOG means a lot less cleanup/trimming

That still leaves my original questions unanswered though

  • do you think the smart pots can be packed in tight and touching each other
  • do you think the smart pots can sit in saucers (and residual water drained a few hrs after feeding)
  • or is it better to expose the sides / bottom to air flow by leaving a few inches between pots and elevating them?

@dbrn32 the actual interior is about 23.5" but you make a good point. With negative pressure I lose another couple inches anyway. I was gonna say screw it and pack them in tight but this makes me rethink that maybe 9 is the number.


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