Slow Plant Death Continues

Absolutely gorgeous and outstanding brother!
Keep’em growin!! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

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A little side note if you care to give it a try, thinning out the lower third of the plant will help not only with bud production but also air flow to help fight off mold/ bud rot possibilities.

If it has leaves where the stems are longer than an inch, cut it off. Small buds, if they don’t make it up to a third of the plants height, cut them off. Thin her out and let her breathe. It will do her some good. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


I thought thinning during flower was a big no-no?

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No you can still thin. Most folks will do a defoliation at 21 days after flip and then again at 42 days. The goal is to not have any fan leaves near the harvest.
I do mine that way. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


This seems low ppms for the amount of additives. Then again I don’t know what the hell a mL is. Is that smaller than a ML?

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I will attack that tomorrow!

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Brother don’t mean to contradict your thoughts or opinions but actually, if it’s similar to the GH schedule, depending on how your mixing, 800 is a good number. The Koolbloom will bring the ppm’s down I believe.
Also, in hydro, more is not always better. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Here is my chart, it’s medium feed schedule

Plus epsom, garden friend and rhino skin


How do you add all those mL per gallon and still fall in the ppms? Seems impossible. Doesn’t make sense. 35mL? 27mL? How?

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This makes sense


I think his measurements are for 14 gallons :thinking:
The OP


Ok my bad :v:


I think man, I’m in tha clouds as well :green_heart::green_heart:

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Its cool bro! I am super green (pun intended) and i take no offense. Everyone’s build is a little different and any input is helpful. You pushed me to re work my math and re check my references. It was still helpful and I appreciate it.

Not at all unusual. I have a plant oasis of wildly different sizes. I’ve got a few trees and a few bushes and a lot of runts. It’s kinda just the nature of phenotype differences.

It won’t. I aim for “painted nails” on my plants - means she’s getting just a little more than the most she can effectively use.

It’s not balls. It’s the bract which contains the calyxes which houses the pistils etc etc. just big swollen lady bits.
See chart:

It’s quite technically an mL (not an ML) just like it’s technically pH and not PH - we kinda use them interchangeably. I only know this because I measure specific gravity using grams per milliliter and it always gets written out XXXg/100mL. Water, in case anyone cared, is 100g per 100 mL.


First off…mind blown on the milliliter annotation! Thank you for that, and also, thank you for the clarification on the anatomy on the ladies, as well as the further explanations. I really appreciate it. Call me paranoid, but its my first grow.

Everyone is paranoid in their first grow. :v: No harm there - it’s definitely a skill set learned through experience. Reading is good but it’s a lot like learning first aid. They force you through watching those old outdated videos of people performing CPR and responding to other emergencies so your brain has a script to follow if something happens in reality. Closest thing you’d get in the weed growing world is watching YouTube, and honestly most of the time those aren’t good “scripts” to follow, just people bragging or explaining the same things you read.


I agree. For example, if you watch a lot of videos on harvesting, its so general that it boils down to cut, dry, smoke. Hydro nutes is another thing. I read 4 books and watched countless hours of YouTube on how to properly run an rdwc, and balance nutes. Do you know how many cover methods of dosing, dosing order, or even that liquid silica is a thing?…exactly zero.


By the way, you are 100% right on the theory vs practice bit. In theory, its all basic chemistry and math. In practice its more art and instinct and learning the hard way. You have to very much “be one with your grow”.