Six Bucket Fill Drain Hydro Test

Can you tell us what you did to get these result

I moved the cubes into the buckets and added the second light with both lights at a distance of 24" from the plants. I also reduced the light schedule from 18/6 to 16/8, but I am thinking Iā€™ll probably move it back up tonight since they seem to be doing really well.

All of my clones struggle at first , but as soon as their rooted it takes about a week and then they grow out of controlā€¦ youā€™ll be there soon ā€¦ :wink:
Now is when you should start topping every 3 to 5 daysā€¦ :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:


Nice :ok_hand:

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Your grow looks excellent buddy :v:

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Dang very pretty girls

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Theyā€™re looking pretty good @3high5you how long do you intend to veg? Whatā€™s the total veg time so far?

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Thanks, @TDubWilly, @Sirsmokes, and @Covertgrower! I am out of likes for the day, but I appreciate your kind words and support!

Theyā€™ve been in veg for 3 weeks since they actually started to grow. Little over 3 weeks prior to that, but they never really took off in the cubes.


@3high5you anytime I can help a fellow grower out, I enjoy doing itā€¦ Iā€™m glad you got it, youā€™re gonna love it and youā€™ll end up buying another.

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Nah, they really love the cooler nights. 62 is not bad at all.
The 10 degree swing is I guess what optimal, but thatā€™s the numbers I had on my lst run.

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Happy Birthday, @Nug-bug! :birthday::balloon::tada::gift:

Iā€™m not super worried right now, but once Iā€™ve got the bloom switches going, Iā€™m gonna be up in the low to mid 80ā€™s lights on. Thatā€™ll be a 20+ degree swing and thatā€™s probably not good at all?


Well like I said itā€™s not optimal, however they , the plants will adapt and overcome.
I mean I understand your concern but if thatā€™s all that goes wrong youā€™ve got it madešŸ˜Ž

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Oh, Iā€™ll have other problems. Hydro seems to be fraught with them, but I enjoy the challenge and try to give my ladies the best possible care!

I ordered a small space heater and controller for it.:grin:

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Some growers actually drop temps into the 50-60s range just to bring out colors in flower :wink:

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Late in flowering I may do that just for fun, but I do believe that it will slow the growth if I donā€™t heat it a bit for the majority of the bloom cycle.

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You are correct sir but just a few hours of ambient temps, in the 50-60s will bring out color for your girls; not your water rez temps :+1:

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Iā€™m not monitoring my water res temps. Thatā€™s holding constant at about 65-66 degrees day in and out.

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Dude those are beautiful ladies! Hats off to you!

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Thank you, sir! Iā€™ve got 4x side lights going into the tent right now to help the lower branches and hopefully fatten those buds! Each side light is a true 110W LED. Iā€™ll have a total of 1,700W of LED power being drawn from the wall for six plants in an 8x4 foot tent.

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Canā€™t wait to see them at harvest time!

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