Should I leave the light on for 24 hours for my veg stage?

A question from a fellow grower:
Just started my grow. My temperature is at 71 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity at 40% with my 1,000 w Bestva LED light on. When the light is off the temp drops to about 61 degrees and humidity goes up about 10%. When the light is off are those conditions any good? Should I leave the light on for 24 hours for my veg stage?

You want to keep the temp swings between day and night, about 10 degrees apart. 78 and 68 being somewhat ideal. Humidity of 40-50 is great for flowering (necessary especially to avoid bud rot), but a little low for seedlings and early veg where you want 50-70.

A plant will survive at 61 degrees but dont let it get much lower.

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Those temps are cool, but adequate.
18/6 (on/off) is the sweet spot for veg. 12/12 for flower.
Have several fans circulating air and keep an eye on nighttime humidity.
If lights off temp starts dropping below 60f you might need to supplement heat. It won’t kill the girls, but it’ll slow them down.

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