Seedlings, to help or not to help

I would like to know if it’s beneficial to help a seedling as it emerges from the media. Should you help open the leaves if they seem to be stuck? Or maybe they appear to just need a nudge to be completely out of the soil. What about the seed shell? Just leave it till it falls off or pick it off if it looks like a hinderance?
I appreciate the replies and advice.

Man these things are tough, their goal in life is to reproduce and survive. They’ll find a way to break through the soil. If the seed pod won’t come off get a needle or tweezers and gently remove it. But I would let it break through the soil and grow a little before I did that

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You can help… but… is it beneficial to do so…?
I like to make them tough and fight… but I clone for up to 6 years… :grin:
If I was just starting out and wanted to get to harvest… I might help out a lil bit… but not much… you want her to fight for herself without your interference… she will do good… or she will do bad… such is life… :wink:



Sounds like good advice to me. I just didn’t want to over do it. It’s tempting to fuss over them in the name of helping. I agree they are tough plants.

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I grow from seed and do as little as possible to interfere - survival of the fittest, I say! I have not interfered when the seeds get stuck on the cotyledons, and though they look a little messed up at first, that seed eventually pops off and the plant make sits way to normalcy.

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%lightbender…Mother Nature has a plan. Usually I will not interfere. However, when seeds hatch, if the seed husk is stuck…I will VERY GENTLY remove it with a needle.
If the inner covering on the first leaves is stuck and keeping the leaves from opening…I will take a needle and VERY VERY Carefully stroke the surface of the inner covering until is slides off.


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Gently…I’ll go along with that.