Seedlings cover question

Just started a tent full of 8 green crack plants. After planting I have always covered the spot with a clear solo cup that I have misted the inside w/distilled water. I now have sprouts 1 1/2" tall. Should I remove the cups? I mist them daily, and keep the sprouts hydrated. What say you?


Welcome to the community, I would move forward and plant the Sprout in seedling cups. Happy growing


I never cover them once they’re up. Personally I’d remove them.


I leave the cover on until leaves are about to touch the sides. Very little if any water is added until then.


Same method as @HMGRWN :love_you_gesture:


I had trouble with my cookies and cream seedlings, I put them in seedling soil and put them in a green house to try to promote growth at the start. The problem I ran into with this method was that they did grow rapidly, but the stalks were very fragile, and weak. Almost clear looking and full of liquid. Many broke over and died. I wouldn’t suggest putting a cup or cover on them for very long as they may grow to tall to fast and can’t support themselves. I used bread ties to support them but some still broke over. I’m disappointed in myself, but now I know what I did wrong.

Not enough light intensity. Using domes indoors under LED it can be an issue but easily overcome by dropping distance. The whole reason for the dome is super high humidity(close to 100%)so that roots have time to develop. The plant absorbs all it’s moisture through the leaves early in seedling stage.


Could be wrong but what you describe sounds like the light is too far from seedlings and they stretched too fast and couldn’t support the small leif weight. Describe the light u r using .


Thanks for everyone’s input, I need all the help I can get. Research alone is not enough for me. Once my seedlings break ground, how long before they can tolerate a full day of light, meaning 10-12 hours or so? I just burned some seedlings up outside I think. They had just broke ground and wilted? Too wet maybe and cooked? I have a ph tester and have began using it.


Go for 18 hours of light, or whatever the maximum hours of light in your region if growing outdoors.

The most common cause (by far) is overwatering. Seedlings only need a couple ml of water per day and they tolerate dry soil very well. The reason is root health. Cannabis roots require oxygen and they struggle to extract oxygen from the soil when the soil is too wet. Once a plant is mature you can soak it, but then leave the soil to dry out before watering again.


Thank you this info will certainly help.