Seedling leaves yellowing and drooping

Hello I have been having trouble with my seedlings, they started out fine but now the lower leaves have turned yellow, and the top leaves are drooping.
My setup:
Marshydro ts600,
2x2 grow tent,
Taotronics humidifier,
Im keeping temp 70°-80°
And humidity from 70% to 80%, i also have the light a foot and a half to two feet from the seedlings, i also started using phd water to spray them, but cant figure out why they look like that, are these seedlings salvageable?. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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What is the medium they’re in?

Lots of stretch indicating light levels too low.

For reference this is my method: once sprouted the seedling is planted in either coco or rockwool. This in a Solo cup with holes. Medium should only be damp. Place a dome over it and mist the dome twice a day with distilled or R/O water. I run 90 watts at around 10". 24/0 light schedule. After ten to fourteen days it’s ready to transplant.

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Hey myfriendis410, im using ffhf potting soil, are theae plants still saveable, and im using marshydro ts600 it is 100watts, should i lower the lights down to 10"? Thank you

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If they’re autos I’d start over. Photos will take some time to recover or not. Probably best to start fresh IMO.

I would. Run the lights continuously which will help maintain temps for the sprout. Keep 'em domed.

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They’re stretching and over watered. Fill the cup full of soil asap and lower the light down to 10". It’s fine to do with that light.

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Thank you, ill go ahead and get them domed and see what happens if not ill start over…I appreciate the advice!

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Hey CrazyJoker thanks for the tip…will do!

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Once they come out of the dome I would get a 6 inch fan on low getting air circulation. Not directly on the seedling, but enough to make it move. This will help slow stretching as it will focus on creating a hardy trunk to prevent toppling. Best of luck!! Welcome aboard :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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It looks like you’re just watering around the plant but the rest of the medium looks too dry, see the gap between the edge of the soil and the cup. You need to wet the whole medium, then let that get dry before watering again, but not bone dry.

Hey Fatz1973 I already had a fan before just inches above the plants but since i put the dome, fan still circulates but not around the seedlings, thank you so much!

Hey LJ75, I was cyrious about that, reason I didnt was that i wanted to be careful with not giving it too much water and having it not breath…but i a shot to dampen the entire medium…ill start doing that from now on…Thanks for your help!!

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