Seedling fell over after removing dome

Hello everyone. Second attempt at growing. So my seedlings are about an inch tall, 2 days old. I have them in a solo cup with soil and sandwich bag over them to keep the humidity up. I forgot to put the bag over the seedling before heading to work today and 6 hours goes by and one of my seedlings has fallen over. (I can add photos after I get off of work) I came home for lunch and immediately placed the sandwich bags back on after spraying it with a little water. My question, is it too late or will it stand back up on it own? Should I support it with a toothpick? Thanks in advance.

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If it needs support, give it support.


I like to backfill a little soil .


Well, looks like I lucked out and she stood right back up.


She wants to live!


ItS alive! There thrive to live is heart and you gotta do quite a bit wrong to kill them but at this stage they can be delicate as you have experienced :sunglasses::ok_hand:

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