Scrog auto help?

First grow
In coco coir/perlite mix pre amended with 4-4-4 and 2-8-4… plants doing well?
They are 4 weeks from sprout.
I see what I think are flower sites?
Currently watering with SILICA, MAMOUTH 6 and CAL-MAG.
Wondering if it’s time to incorporate some 2-8-4 bloom into the watering schedule…?
Being a first time grower I’ve read a lot on scroging and with the various opinions re: autos. I decided to give it a go… anyone with experience know if it looks like I’m doing anything right? Is the closet too crowded? Should I just pull the scrog? Do the plants look ok? Week 6 today and I guess I’m getting a bit anxious/plant(self)conscious…
Thank you for any information, I hope be this time next year with a few more grows under my belt I aspire to help out a grower in some way…

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That one is in flower. Might want to start feeding them for flower.


Your ladies are looking real good. I am going to follow along. I am thinking about doing gold leaf photos for my next grow!! Happy Growing :blush::v:

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Just a quick question on the net. Is it just free hanging?? Of so gonna wanna figure out how to support it to the floor so it stays down. If not locked to the floor somehow the plant will just push the net up as it grows. Seems in pics it is just hanging out over the plants??

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Yes it is just suspended at this point… I was debating on some weight or securing it to the plant shelving in some fashion… was just entertaining the scrog idea to spread the plants out to create more bud sites, hopefully…
Thanks for the input…
Happy Growing

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She is flowering thats for sure


Right on… I kinda feel like it’s the start of the home stretch and just learning what they look like at the different stages has been fun and an education fo sho…
Any obvious opportunities I am missing from the experienced growers is appreciated… I have been using a 2-8-4 bloom in my watering schedule(half dose as I didn’t want to jump the gun being a newbie) I am guessing it would be wise to go full dose and get m fed…

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