Root Rot in DWC bubble bucket?

Wondering if I’ve got root rot in my bubble bucket. Temps, hydroguard, all in a good range. Wondering options if this is the case.

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Hydrogen peroxide I think. @TDubWilly @peachfuzz

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Hard to tell from that picture. If roots are brown and slimy probably so. Usually from lack of oxygen, water temp too high, or something you are adding to solution.

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Agreed. I would need a better picture. What makes you think that you may have root rot?

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If you have root rot then it’s probably due to the low oxygen environment you are providing them.

You have hardly any bubbles in your bucket

I don’t grow in DWC anymore but here’s a pic if my water when I did

This bucket has more bubbles than yours and this its not enough, se how the roots are developing problems?


Get a larger air pump


Honestly this doesn’t look like root rot. Typically roots aren’t pearly white all the time, in fact even those with extremely good care and high end setups won’t always have perfectly white roots. The things to look for in root rot is slime and a foul smell, there’s always a very identifiable smell you’ll experience. My very first plant experienced root rot, and it had a smell of old garbage; a very identifiable rotting smell. If you have root rot you’ll probably know something is up immediately.