Rookie looking for some guidance lol

My girls are now 2 weeks old. I’m keeping the temps at are around 78-84 I still haven’t got my exhaust fan and carbon filter yet so hopefully that will help with keeping the heat down.and humidity at around 70-80%. I just started feeding them a little, Big bloom fox farm. HOW DO THEY LOOK??

should I be feeding them or no ?

My light is about 20 inches from the tops of plants… is that too close ? I am putting them under bigger lights when they get a little bigger. Pb2000 quantum lights to be exact.

I’m just want to make sure my girls will live a great life. What should I do if I am not doing it ?? Please let me know. Thank you !!!

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I would stop any feed for now. What soil you plan on using? Would also cover up those clear cups as roots do not like light


@Dabmon710 can you grab a few pictures in normal lighting? Under the burple it’s hard to see many things.

Height of 20" is a good starting point, depending on how they look under normal light you might be able to bring them closer.


Crap! I didn’t know that. Thank you so much will they be fine?! I’m covering them up now

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Yeah, they’ll be alright. I start mine in clear solo cups then put them inside of opaque cups. Then I can just lift the clear cup up to check root growth.


Yoo peep those pictures I just posted if you can my dude. I’m trying to get a good verification

Looking good, I’d hold off on feeding nutes. What soil are you using??

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@Dabmon710 they looking pretty good, maybe a little light in color, but this early unless they look horrible it’s usually best to let nature work a few days and very little water. These roots like the air. Do those cups have holes at the bottom to drain a bit? I like watering from your stage by filling the saucer and letting the soil wick up the water as needed. I’m a hydro grower but getting better in the soil. As Bubbles asked whatsoil you using?

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Congratulations good job !

Def not trying to be a downer, but compared to the girls I started on 4/30/20, these look very small for 2 weeks old. Here are mine at 14 days from sprout. image image

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I am using fox farm happy frog. How long should I go with out feeding them water ? They seem to dry up within a couple days and they drain pretty well. thats A good Idea I will try that with the saucer. I just transplanted them into non clear cups, will this shock them ?? What should I do to ensure that my girl will live a happy life?

Just relax and enjoy the ride… Them will change the color (bright green) when get hungry.


have you been feeding them any nutes ?? What kind of soil are you using? and How close an powerful is your light ??

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@Dabmon710 every 2-3 days is about right here. But this can depend on humidity and temperatures as well as plant usage. It’s ok to look dry up top. You want her wet down below. By transplant did you actually remove them from the original cup? They might slow for a couple of days but should be back. I wouldn’t feed anything but that water till you have 3-4 sets of leaves in that soil at least. I use in it my outdoor garden and I only tea a little throughout the season.


I started them in a jiffy pellet, then into a solo cup with FFHF, then into a 1 gallon pot with FFOF, no nutes just PH’d water. FFOF is hot enough for the first month or so. I did flush the crap out of them the other day trying to raise my runoff PH from 5.6 to above 6.0. For lights in veg I’m using a HLG QB135 kit.

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That flimsy plastic container is not ideal! Each time you pick up that cup the roothairs are being torn out of the moving soil. Use solo cups. Also if you get used to progressive watering you can plant seeds directly into a 6 or 8 inch pot. The least amount of interference the roots get the less likely you will shock your plants. Do not transplant early! Wait until the little plants roots occupy the whole container. That way the soil or medium stays together and you treat the rootball as a plug. When you transplant, fill you larger container and gently pack in the material as you get to the depth of your cup place the cup with plant in and pack the material around it. Remove the cup and its shape will remain. Put in some mycos if you are going to and plant the baby in the hole. From now on water only in a circle outside the diameter of the solo cup. Then expand your watering towards the edge of the pot as your weed grows. Have fun!

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