Remove the lower buds?

Hello @Myfriendis410 @dbrn32

This is Eve, our First Grand Daddy Purp from bag seed. Growing in an RDWC system in a 2x4 tent, under an HLG300Rspec light. My question is whether or not we should cut off the buds growing underneath the canopy so the energy they’re consuming will go to further develop the upper buds. Thank you for all your help getting me to this point!! See pics below:


Is it Time to lollipop?

Think you might be a lil late.


Nice looking plant. I would have cut it out before (or right after) I put up the net. You could

  1. Leave it (not recommended)
  2. Clean it out, leaving a little bit for reveg, or
  3. Clean it out completely

I lollipop all my plants. Even those that go outdoors.


Yes you can remove those popcorn sized buds so the main ones get all the nutrients and what not.


I strip the bottom third of the plant at about plus three weeks of flower and remove most fan leaves. You have adequate light with that HLG fixture so can be a bit aggressive in doing a defol.


This is what I do under the screen.


I usually don’t remove too much for lower leaves, just enough to make sure there is good airflow through the plants. I do remove lower and late developing bud sites for reason you stated though.


Ok, we did the same thing about 3 weeks ago and now it’s coming back as you can see in the picture. Do we continue cleaning the new buds off as they appear?

Yes indeed.


Crap, I’ve not been doing this

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Ok so I have a ? I’m new how do u lollipop or trim when u LST I pulled the top almost all the way over. Will try to get a better pic later. All 3 GSCX autos from IGMA are 4 weeks old Monday, 2 days ago, pic from this morning, try not to laugh first grow first attempt at LST , understand the principle just lacked the execution


Oh I’m thinking on it

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Reminds me of someone, the top looks nicethe bottom looks reallybushy

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Week three of flower defoliation

I lollipop just before flip. At three weeks I take some of the larger older fan leaves out focusing on the one s blocking light. Otherwise, mostly keeping the bottom and center of the plant cleaned out of secondary growth and buds that wont reach the light.


Growing autos for the first time I’d suggest you stick to LST only. Pruning techniques if done incorrectly/wrong time will stall plants and reduce yields.

A technical “lollipop” is only done the last week or so before harvest and is done to remove all unwanted leaves before chopping down.

I would also be leery of removing any more leaves than I had to unless running primo lights.

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Ok thanks so much, I did take 1-2 leaves of each plant where I bent them over and it was touching the soil, or totally blocked by rest of plant. Thanks for not laughing at my attempt to LST first time, and I am not running primo lights, 1 sf-1000 and 1 viparspec xs1500 running 100% was at 18/6 moving towards 19/5 now slowly adding more time under light because they are in veg and need it right ? Saving to move up to a 4x4 to give them some more room, overall do y’all think so far ok, I thought I would have at least killed 1 by now that’s y I did 3 hoping 1-2 would make it This forum is awesome and thanks again for all tips and advice

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