Red worms , in compose box

am made a box 4 x 4 x 6 compose box , put last years soil in it with garbage from the kitchen , but no meat , egg shells old bread , corn meal , and red worms , will use it next year , BUT WILL THE REDWORMS , eat the roots on next years cannabis plants , shit they eat cardboard , and like it ,lol , so what do you guys think ??? vern

The earth worms only eat dead organic matter which comes out as worm castings.
Many of us add worm castings to our planting medium, worm castings are an amazing source of nutrients for our plants.


The answer is “no, your worms won’t damage your future plants.” If anything, they’ll add value to your growing plants.

You probably want to add European Nightcrawlers, because red worms aren’t as active through the compost pile as other species.

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thank you , now i feel better mm now some night crewlers

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thank you ,

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thank i went and got 500 nightcrawlers … 500 reds already in the box , so i should have some good ground , next year m,thank all for the help

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