Rainy summer… girls need extra care!

Growing outdoors in New England is a lot safer and fun now with almost all the states legalizing it! The hardest thing I have had to Deal with this season is the fact it will not stop raining, every day it’s rained for the last like 2 weeks now. I was literally going stir crazy trying to find a cheap and safe way to cover my plant in the garden. Finally I realized I had a beach umbrella in my trunk. I’m telling this thing has worked great. So if anyone out there has the same issue and doesn’t want to build or buy a greenhouse. Buy an umbrella , it’s cheaper and 100* quicker to set up!


Your plants are beautiful!! :blush:

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Looks happy as a clam :wink:
Happy growing…

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Thanks a lot. I’ve really put a lot of time an effort into my babies. Most people don’t realize… it’s absolutely a second job taking care of the girls. I’d hate to have them grow crappy because of lack of care.

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Growing high quality cannabis is a full time job. Even a garden with one plant takes time. It’s a true passion of love for some :wink:
Happy growing…

Definitely true. Definitely love it