Question about making butter

Hey everyone, My wife would like to make some butter. Is it ok to wet trim the plants and freeze the trimmings or do you need to dry the trimmings before freezing them? Thanks

You need to dry first. Here’s basic recipe for butter or coco oil
You can use sugar leaves and trimmings or buds.

Basic Budder/Cannacocobudder:

I use 1oz dried buds per 1/2 cup of coconut oil or ghee. This ends up making enough for 26-30 doses for me.

-2 pint Mason Jars with lids
-baking tray
-2 oz ice cold Everclear
-1/2 cup melted Refined Coconut oil, Ghee, or a mix of the two
-30 grams quality bud
-Electric pressure cooker
-Cheesecloth or linen bag
-glass bowl/pyrex cups
-small collander that fits onto bowl
-spatulas, spoons, etc
-boiling water

Here’s how you do it:
1.Partial Oven Decarb (optional)
-Heat oven to 230°F;
-Lightly ground bud, divide between 2 pint jars, gently tighten the lids as if you’re canning;
-Place jars on tray and put into oven.
-Turn-up heat to 250°F and bake for 15 minutes;
-Gently shake jars and then allow to decarb for another 15 minutes;

2.After 30 minutes total baking time, remove jars from oven and allow to cool for about 15 minutes, then remove lids, spritz/drizzle in 1oz of Everclear per jar, thoroughly stirring and crunching the decarbed bud and fluid.

3.Add ¼ cup melted oil to each jar, thoroughly crunching and strirring; place lids back on jars, just barely tighten them as if you’re canning;

4.Place jars in Pressure Cooker, using a trivet/towel to keep jars off bottom of pot; add hot water til half-way up jars.

Partially Oven Decarbed: Pressure cook for 30 mins, running 2x15 minute cycles, stirring between them
NonDecarbed: Pressure cook for 60 minutes, running 4x15 minutes cycles, stirring between them

6.Allow cooker to naturally depressurize and remove jars; allow to cool about 5 minutes;

7.Place a collander over a glass bowl/cup, line it with cheese cloth/linen bag, and thoroughly strain your herbs from your oil.

You’ll end up with between ⅓-½ cup of immediately usuable and very potent Budder. I don’t add lecithin to my budder recipe, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.

NOTE: One oz of Bud translates into significantly different serving amounts, depending on which of the methods you choose:
Extract ~ 60 servings
Infusion ~ 30 servings


So if I have already frozen the trimmings can I take them out of the freezer and dry them and still be able to make it?


Yep just let them get dry first.

Also other ways to make the butter. You can probably find several threads on forum that has alternative methods. Just use search feature and type in keywords.


My very first batch I did the same thing. Wet trimmed and froze the bag. LoL after about 3 months I thawed it then into the oven for an extra long dry first then decarb. Not the preferred way to go but it worked. Now I always dry first… well I wet trim but big stuff in the trash.