Purple Haze will not sprout

My gold leaf and OG K all sprouted and are on their second set of real leafs. I planted them 8 days ago with the purple haze and the PH won’t sprout. They were all treated the same. Help

Here are the marijuaa stage:

Germination stage - 1-2 weeks (7 days)
Seedling Stage - 1-2 weeks
Vegation stage - 1-3 mo’s
Pre-flower stage 1-2 weeks
Flower stage - 1-4 mos’ depends on strain

You are going in the Seedling stage and it will last about 12 day and then in veg stage —Your plant’s are normal

Give the seed a few more days

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Thank you. I was wondering why the purple haze is taking so long to sprout. All the seeds were treated the same so I though that the purple haze required a different approach. I sure hope they are viable seeds. They looked viable but time will tell. 8 days seems so long. Never ever had a seed take that long in my past but this is my first time with purple haze. Wondering if they just take longer. Maybe.

Guess what? One popped up without the seed cover. Big and fat. Very different. Thank you for the encouragement. So funny. I put a heating blanket under them so the other one will pop too. Feel like I am growing baby birds.

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Words of caution - watch out with “heating Blanket” use - they would have probably “popped” without use of

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Yes I have been careful because of mold. And yes it probably would have popped without it.

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