Problems with 2 Week old Seedling Growth

I always recommend people use General Hydroponics CALiMAGic because it has the least amount of nitrogen in it. Using something like you posted will be fine… but you might need to factor in the nitrogen content when figuring out your feed schedule. You shouldn’t need to change anything if using CALiMAGic.

As far as your humidity dome goes, you will be refreshing the air inside every day when you mist the inside of the domes/bags(early seedling) or water your plants (late seedling).

Posting updated pics of my 2 auto’s. I planted these seedlings in the cups on 2/12. Worried about the one with my finger next to it, browning on the edges of the new leaves looks bad?! know I had bad techniques with my watering…am I losing them or just paying the price for bad techniques and they are growing extremely slow?

@TommyBahama I have your CalMagic now and was going to give them both some 2 Q’s if you don’t mind!

  • So when I water them daily (been 5ml of purified water) the 5ml of water I use will have the CaliMagic in it?
  • Following the directions it says 1ml per liter. I’m using Mother Earth Coco Plus Perlite Mix…does that amount sound right?

Thanks all!

Yep, you should be adding the CaliMagic to your water. Your plants are over 2 weeks old now as well, so it is probably time to start adding nutrients.

Hey All!

Wanted to put out an update, I’d say it’s a good turnaround where I’m finally getting more vegetation after having overwatered them. I originally put these seedlings in the soil on 2/12, wondering how much damage I’ve done to these based on where they are vs should be? Is it possible these still grow ok?

How are the leaves looking as I’m seeing some slight browning on the edges (see pics)
I’m watering 5mil of water daily now with Calimagic. They are autoflowers so I’ve had my lights running 24 hrs at about 30" away but now wondering if I have a little light burn?

Thanks for any advice all!

@TommyBahama figured I’d ask you again if you don’t mind commenting!

print this and hang it next to your tent, I find it helpful maybe you will too.