Pre Set up Coco?

The thing with coco is that it has no nutrient so you give nutrients, once you start running work castings and stuff you start messing with your nutrient load in the medium and thus the ppm read off.
No offense to this Canuck guy but this is the second person to come here asking help about the way he grows, he’s pretty average experienced grower to be honest and he’s got his own method if you want to copy it fly away but anyone paying attention to a feed chart in coco watering with a good environment can grow jsut as good or better then him.

If organic is important to you pick the best affordable organic nutrient, ignore the brand name he is sponsored by he’s just trying to get his free stuff and push sales.
Heck AN is the best on the market probably but do whatever is local and cheap.
Go to your local hydro store and pick whatever is on sale ignore what the guy says he’s a salesman.

I grow with salt based dirt cheap nutrients in coco and no one around here seems to be complaining about the terps or the potency or the color.

It’s experience and environment control way way way more then its nutrients.
If you want worm. Castings and organic and smaller yeilds then you could go soil but I don’t recommend it. Coco is the best to start on but get whatever is cheap, if organic then okay sure. If not get Jack’s or chemgro or any other cheap dry nutrient the stuff in the bottles costs 10x more your paying for water.

Autos grow good if you treat them right even if your using cheap nutrients, control your environment and get a AC infinity T series fan to control that environment so get top quality lights Samsung 301b or 301h, no spider farmers, no mars hydro.

Sry just had enough of Mr Canuck